Sunday, 5 July 2009

Did You Know ...

A video to be watched and thought about ... As you watch, think about the consequences that this information will have on your teaching situation.


Lorenza said...

Hey, I hope you don't mind sharing some of your posts with Tlalpan! Thanks for the video!

Sam said...

Lorenza, happy to oblige !!!
Let us know your blog or wiki address too if you set one up for your Tlalpan group.

Vlado said...

While we (or most of us, I'd like to believe) are somewhat aware of all of this, I think when showed in such an in-your-face way, we can't but wonder what is the future of humankind. I had a discussion a long time ago with my sociology teacher about the Chinese law against having more than one child per couple. I told her I thought it was ok but she told me off and explained the group that we couldn't do that, but then I replied and asked then how would be another option to reduce overpopulation, and she couldn't find a good answer.
In short, I would say that humanity as a whole has to rethink its actual state, or we won't have (or leave to future generations) a good future.

Sam said...

Another issue in China now is the vast shortage of females.
Many couples back in the early 1980s, knowing they could only have one child, killed their daughters at birth so as to try to have a son instead !

So now, 20 years on, imagine ....!!!

rigobiol said...

Generally, Humanity this having important advance today more that never, because of: 1) the total number of inhabitants in the world never had been so big as it is it now, 2) the quantity of information that is produced and shared in the world also is a lot that never. These two combinations, do to have new needs and therefore new solutions. It is important that as a Teacher, We have an important weight in this changer World, where our students will be the engine of change

Sam said...

A good point Rigo, thank you for's the combination of these two factors that make such a big difference.