Thursday 30 July 2009

I have uploaded some files ...

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all recovering nicely from the massive 60 hours you recently dedicated to your own professional development.
This Monday morning, when the alarm didn't go off, although it felt good to have a lay-in, I realised that I miss you all and our time together !

I have handed in all the project, homework, blog/wiki and yahoo group grades to Rednova now, so it is all in their hands.
Remember that if you still have any problems with your MEC activities, you need to write to one of the three people below.
Omar Sanchez: Boss at RedNova:
Catalina : Omar's assisstant:
Jane Wright: The project manager for the MEC:
Jane is the best one to write to specifically with MEC problems and questions because she is in charge of the MEC. However, if it is a question about your grades then Omar will be the best.

I have uploaded some files to Victor's Successful English Lessons Yahoo group and ask that you all check in there once in a while as I will continue to share things with you there.

Hope you are all well, receive a HUGE hug from me
with much love

Monday 27 July 2009

Full-to-the-brim !

Oh my guys !
I am still a bit overwhelmed by all your amazingly creative blogs and wikis, by your fantastic presentations and by your deep showing of such 'cariƱo' and love.
I thank you all very very much, from the depths of my heart ... not only for your effort, patience and very hard work in the past three weeks, but also for the confidence you showed in me and in what I came to share with you in July.
I also want to express to you all through this blog that the gifts you showered me with last Friday, apart from being beautifully well thought-out gifts (all of them to my liking and all very special things) are also items which are already very dear to me. The dvds, the scarves, the chocolates and that delicious cake, the jewellery, the cards, the Pasion Morena hat and everything else...the picture frame, the little purse, the ceramic box, the jug and glasses, the cuddly cat.....everything...WOW....too much, really too much.
Thank you all.
I will be adding things to this blog in the next few days and hope that we can keep in touch through here, or through the blog you all created for me.
With much love, and all the very best of luck
your friend