Thursday 23 July 2009

Reminders for our last day together !

Yes, we will have a break or no coffee !!!
9am to 9.30am: Set up in the Computer Lab. G
Check blogs / wikis and prepare your site fully for the presentation.
Check you have everything you need and plan your timing carefully.
Final questions and doubts clear-up.
9.30am to 11.15am: The first 17 presentations (with 15 mins spare for 'whatever')
11.15am to 11.30am: BREAK
11.35am to 12.45pm: The other 10 presentations (with 10 mins spare for 'whatever')
12.45 to 1pm: Round Up, final questions lots of mutual applause and GROUP HUG !!!
1.01pm: Relax, celebrate, and give thanks for this wonderous experience that we have shared !


englishblogger said...

Indeed we had a wonderful day, a day to remember for a long time. It was full of emotions, learning and memorable events.

Sam said...

OOOffff, you said it. I was emotionally exhausted by Friday night !