Monday, 20 July 2009

Some CLIL reminders from Monday 20th July

'CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language'.
CLIL encourages ...
•Cultural awareness
•Language competence
•Preparation for both study and working life
•Increased motivation
• Increased awareness and self-confidence
•Wider choice of materials available
• More meaningful classroom practice

A CLIL lesson is therefore not a language lesson neither is it a subject lesson transmitted in a foreign language. According to the 4Cs curriculum (Coyle 1999), a successful CLIL lesson should combine elements of the following:
•Content - Progression in knowledge, skills and understanding related to specific elements of a defined curriculum
•Communication - Using language to learn whilst learning to use language
•Cognition - Developing thinking skills which link concept formation, understanding and language.
•Culture - Exposure to alternative perspectives and shared understandings, which deepen awareness of others and self

Successful language learning can be achieved when people have the opportunity to receive instruction, and at the same time experience real-life situations in which they can acquire a language.

The CLIL approach involves learning subjects through a 2nd or other language and through the introduction of real-life-simulation. It can be very successful in enhancing the general learning of languages and of other subjects, and in developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as learners. (Marsh 2000)

1.The Culture Dimension
A. Build intercultural knowledge & understanding
B. Develop intercultural communication skills
C. Learn about specific neighboring countries/regions and/or minority groups
D. Introduce the wider cultural context

2. The Environment Dimension
A. Prepare for internationalization
B. Access International Certification
C. Enhance school profile

3. The Language Dimension
A. Improve overall target language competence
B. Develop oral communication skills
C. Deepen awareness of both mother tongue and target language
D. Introduce a target language

4. The Content Dimension
A. Provide opportunities to study content through different perspectives
B. Access subject-specific target language terminology
C. Prepare for future studies and/or working life

5. The Learning Dimension
A. Complement individual learning strategies
B. Diversify methods & forms of classroom practice
C. Increase learner motivation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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