Wednesday, 15 July 2009

web site addresses reminders !
...for a tutorial and help for setting up a new blog. amuzing wiki tutorial. see what wikis can do for you.
...lots of help and advice for things to consider when working with blogs/wikis and social pages.
...a very good tutorial for helping to set up a pod cast.


englishblogger said...

Have you ever seen a plant grow, have you ever been aware of recovery after sicness, have you ever seen a wound turned into a scar?
well, you might not, but I can tell you how have I seen changes in my learning and improvement as a teacher I haven't seen in the last 3 years.

You were the rocket that landed on the moon's surface, the submarine that reached the bottom of the sea, and the teacher in my class.

Thanks for the new discoveries Sam. Thanks for showing them to me.

Sam said...

Wow Prof'
Thank you so much for giving me this encouragement.
It is often quite difficult to know if I am doing the right thing and your comments have helped me to see that something is indeed happening in our group and it is a very subtle yet earth-shatteringly significant EVOLUTION !!!